Hi all,
Carl at Farnell said to me on the phone.........you'll get into situations where you can't find stuff, or don't know how to do this or that.....but keep looking it's there, and can be done.
With that I installed CS and as a complete an utter Altium newbie I started playing, but on my i5 laptop, not my Dev PC (which I'm rebuilding) so screen res is hindered to 1366*768, and just one monitor.................ach I thought I'd give it a go!
The target - to convert one of my existing Eagle PCB designs to CS.......same schematic layout, same designators, same exact PCB layout and hopefully track layout.
Some components from the vault, some from the built in library, and one or two from VinceH's (kindly publsihed online). There's also about 6 components I've had to design from scratch myself.
You know, moving from EaglePCB it's not that bad.......once you get your head around how the schematic and footprint parts of the libraries work in comparison to Eagle.
There's a few bugs, issues, crashes, memory leaks, and missing functionality in CS, mostly to do with the vault/libraries......but I'll detail those later. I'm making notes along the way. And, just like any other design there's moments where you have to walk away and come back.
I'm about 3 days in........and the following screenshots I think show I am making progress......and as you'll see I haven't started routing yet so I don't know whats in store!
PS. No cheating, the Eagle import function is NOT being used.......:-)