Electronics > Circuit Studio

Circuit Studio Bugs/Issues

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1.  The Vault -

a) nearly impossible to see the components you are searching for due to all parameter columns being enabled by default.
b) Ability to copy / paste schematics and footprints from the vault to use as the basis for new parts is disabled or does not work. 
c) Slow vault performance

2) Part Creation -

a) User-created parts in CS do not have their origins set correctly (even if they are created directly on top of the origin) and will be placed all over the PCB window.  This does not occur with parts from the Vault.  There seems to be no mechanism by which the origins can be corrected by the user.  (I have a request into Altium on this).

b) There is a bug when attaching a STEP file to a PCB component.  The STEP file will not attached until a simple 3D primitive is created and viewed.  Then and only then will the software allow attachment of a STEP file. 

3) Little to no CS-specific documentation

4) BOM Generation - Exported Excel files are corrupt.  CSV files work fine.

Unless I get a workable solution for the user-created part placement issue, I won't buy Circuit Studio.  That is a total show-stopper.  It makes it worse than Eagle.  And not being able to re-use schematics and footprints from the Vault as one is supposed to be able to is a real drag as well.

For anyone in the market for CircuitStudio, you'd do well to fly before you buy - as in generate a small project all the way though fab and make sure it works out.  I beat my head against the wall for a couple of weeks and I'm pretty close to dropping it and crossing my fingers for Eagle to improve.  There's a lot to like, but what is broken/crippled/undocumented renders it nearly unusable at the present time. 

Copying packages / symbols from the vault in screenshots:
Attachment 1. Find a part in the vault.
Attachment 2. In the bottom half of the vault window switch to preview and double click package or symbol.
Attachment 3. Right click desired package -> Operations -> "Clone blablabla"
Attachment 4. Opens in temporary clone library, select all, copy then paste into a new component in your library.

Is that what you meant was disabled/does not work?


--- Quote from: rwoody1995 on July 22, 2016, 09:53:21 am ---Attachment 3. Right click desired package -> Operations -> "Clone blablabla"

--- End quote ---

Right click disabled when I try anyways.



--- Quote from: IanJ on July 22, 2016, 11:11:47 am ---
--- Quote from: rwoody1995 on July 22, 2016, 09:53:21 am ---Attachment 3. Right click desired package -> Operations -> "Clone blablabla"

--- End quote ---

Right click disabled when I try anyways.


--- End quote ---

Same here as well. 

Hm... well I have no idea, it's always worked for me.  :-//


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