OK, I'm one of the first buyers of CS - and really glad to see the price drop and interest increase. I use AD every day so migrating over to CS hasn't been a problem - I'm just now getting time to work with it so if some of this stuff is old news I apologize in advance.
1) You've got to be able to view your gerbers once they've been generated. In AD you can add a cam document and then import the gerbers into the cam window with a few short steps - very helpful.
2) Being able to 'find similar objects' like AD would be great, if it's in CS I haven't been able to find it.
3) Is there a way to add Directives to nets in CS? It has Diff Pair directive, but is there a place where you can add rules in schematic; Net Class, PCB Layout, Blanket, etc., another AD feature.
4) Need to be able to quickly and easily clone a part in either library - CS allows you to clone a footprint in the pcb library and rename which is good, this is needed in schematic as well.
5) A polygon pour manager similar to AD would be a helpful feature.
So....I know CS is CS and AD is AD, but these features are pretty basic - hope V2.0 has some of them.
About Bugs:
One thing that appears to be a bug, while working in the library it suddenly stopped allowing me to double click on a component and viewing the 'Library Component Properties' dialog box - tried closing the program and reopening, nothing - kept working and few seconds later got the "Unable to get *something-something* from Altium.com", who knows what's going on, I'll try again later tonight maybe restarting my machine will clear it up.