Electronics > Circuit Studio

Circuit Studio Dead? (again!)

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I have tried so hard, several times, to give them money for renewed maintenance on my CS license but it has been impossible. I would have gotten nothing for that money so I thank them for that.

Haven't used CS since 2017, but my AD license is about to expire.
They offered me another year of AD standard for AU$1500+GST as I had an expired CS license.


--- Quote from: johnboxall on December 19, 2024, 01:17:50 am ---Haven't used CS since 2017, but my AD license is about to expire.
They offered me another year of AD standard for AU$1500+GST as I had an expired CS license.
--- End quote ---

That seems very cheap.


--- Quote from: EEVblog on December 19, 2024, 05:56:23 am ---
--- Quote from: johnboxall on December 19, 2024, 01:17:50 am ---Haven't used CS since 2017, but my AD license is about to expire.
They offered me another year of AD standard for AU$1500+GST as I had an expired CS license.
--- End quote ---

That seems very cheap.

--- End quote ---

They're hyper-keen. Will let them stew on it for another week.

I'm still using old CS. Got a similar offer recently.  If I take it, worst case, price jumps next year and I can't convert my years work to CS.  Altium seems like a worst case kind of company so I'm not considering the change.


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