Electronics > Circuit Studio
Circuitmaker Pro video tutorials
I found this thread: https://www.element14.com/community/thread/77885/l/circuitmaker-pro-tutorials
which has this unlisted tutorials on youtube:
this is a confirmation that Circuitmaker Pro exists :-+
anyone tried it in beta?
It appears that the name may be going back to CS, as in CircuitStudio 2.0.
I think this makes sense as it does not associate CS with CM which was free/cloud/sharing and other bad words for the CAD world.
This was found by an E14 member: https://resources.altium.com/p/new-version-cs-20
Hopefully there will be an upgrade path for those who bought a v1.x version and didn't renew the annual maintenance. Altium will need an olive branch/sweetener to bring people back.
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