I have previously posted a 10 channel armature scan card here:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/circuit-studio/example-project-relay-scan-card-for-k2000-dmm/I needed more channels for a particular job where a little SSR channel leakage wouldn't be a problem, here is the result.
It's been tested in K2000 and DMM6500.
It's switchable, 10 or 20 channels; some 2000 series gear might only support 10 channels (?), and saves some money if you only need 10 channels.
Initially I thought my K2000 would only support 10 channels but to my surprise the 20 channel card is supported too - at least it is in the latest firmware.
The PIC MCU firmware has a known issue when using with a DMM6500.
Switching between 2W and 4W resistance on the same channel causes the channel relay to open.
It works fine changing between channels in 2W and 4W.
I just need voltage measurements so didn't spend time fixing it, there's a note in the firmware source.
Thanks to forum members
alm and
cozdas for providing some background information and inspiration.
I expect this card will
NOT work in a K2001, K2002 or K2010 DMM for reasons described in
this post.
FYI I adapted this card design to function in the Keysight 34970A/34972A DAQs, see