I have now been using this card for some time. Generally it works very well.
Once issue though: when measuring some very precis voltages that are not too well buffered, when the card scan over these voltages it loads down with around 50 to 300 micro volt. I have another 6.5 digit multimeter where i can see the voltage jump up and down with the scanning. When using the front input of the DMM6500 and tap the measurement point with test leads this do not happen. So its not the DMM6500 that load down, but switching from the card.
Is this a general thing that can happen with scan cards, or could there be some problem with mine?
I also build voltsandjolts's SSR 20 chanel card where i dont have this problem. Sometimes the last digit on the 6.5 meter i use to check voltages can move a bit more than if no scanning, but thats all ok, and just some noise.