OK, I'm running LabCenter Proteus which is pretty good for medium sized boards which make up most of my work but it's expensive for me, about 300 bucks a year, if I remember, to renew the licence. I guess I could just sit on the current program but I like upgrades and some of the refinements over the years have been worth it.
Well, I see Altium and AutoDesk are battling it out for us middle of the EDA road designers. Now I see that Eagle (which I like less than mud but I haven't used it in ten years) is down to something like $100 a year renewal and AutoDesk is a one time buy of ..... wait.... drum roll... $495. That's pretty tempting, it even has simulation. So what's the bottom line for you guys (and gals) who use this 'thing'. Is it complete crap full of bugs or can you actually do work with it. I feel like for 495 bucks somewhere down the line I'm going to get royally screwed but it's only 495 bucks so I'm tempted.
Any thoughts?