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Antenna Array Design Course with openEMS examples (Free till July 29, 2024)
Great opportunity to gain lifetime access to excellent openEMS examples, featuring step-by-step instructions on various antenna array design procedures:
1. Series-fed patch arrays + openEMS example
2. Shunt-fed patch arrays + openEMS & QucsStudio example
3. Parallel-fed patch arrays + openEMS & QucsStudio example
4. Slotted waveguide antennas + openEMS example
5. Beamforming principles + openEMS example
6. Antenna element weighting + openEMS example
7. Mushroom-type metamaterials + openEMS example
While this course does not teach how to use openEMS, the provided examples serve as a good starting point for experimenting with your own array antenna designs. Plus, I'll be answering your questions! Short intro:
Coupon code: EEVBLOG
Free till July 29, 2024
This is brilliant. Thankyou :)
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