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Contest Winner

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Well done to Apex,
I was hoping that David L Jones would come out..... that would of been a real hoot ;D ;D

Gratz Apex.

I want to see the source code of the wobulator, I'm curious :D

And next time I wanna see something electronics related instead of the dice. I don't know like the least digit of the resistance of a resistor drawn at random from a box :P


Why did Dave call it the wobulator?

I see no relation between that and this:

I thought he said 'wombulator', and I recognized it a generic 'doohickey' sort of term. I've heard it used in the context of an imaginary device, the sort that the new guy gets sent looking for (like left handed screwdriver or brick stretcher, et. al.).

Also, congratulations Apex. :)


--- Quote from: FreeThinker on November 27, 2010, 04:29:42 pm ---Well done to Apex,
I was hoping that David L Jones would come out..... that would of been a real hoot ;D ;D

--- End quote ---

That's possible, I didn't code out the first entry!



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