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EEVblog Oct 2013 Contest Giveaway

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Two brand new Fluke CNX-3000 "basic kit" are up for grabs, plus a (slightly used) Gossen Metrahit World multimeter, and a slightly reviewed ChronoVu LA-8 Kit Deluxe logic analyser. (AU$135 declared value) (AU$50 2nd hand declared value) (AU$50 2nd hand declared value)

Same rules as last time:
1) Post into this thread ONCE with simply "I'm in" or some other equally unimportant text. Doesn't matter what really, you just need to post. Write Shakespeare if you want, it won't increase your chances.
2) Only enter if you really want the stuff, to give other people who really need it a fair go. DON'T POST unless you want to enter.
3) You MUST have posted at least 5 useful posts (or maybe one REALLY good one) to the EEVblog forum to be eligible (yes, we'll check)
4) A winner will be picked at random from those who post into this thread only using the EEVblog wobulator program.
5) No duplicate accounts to increase your chances, you WILL get caught.
6) No locality restrictions, the prize includes postage anywhere in the world.
7) Dave makes the rules and can break the rules at will  ;D
8) This is NOT a discussion thread! Post once and once only.

The closing date is random, so get in quick!


I'm in.


Hells yeah I'm in. Canadians rock! Send one up to the great white north!


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