Depends on what you are looking for. I went mainly for the conferences but found them superficial, more commercial "who are we" talks and a 30 minute interesting stuff where they still don't tell you what you really would like to know.

But good for contacts, esp. the academic people are open to contacts and information sharing if you have mutual interests.
The tradeshow is huge , reserve at least two days if you really want to talk to people and get info.
It is nice but again very commercial, I was happy to speak to an engineer rather than the marketing biffs that try to figure out if you are worth $100k or more before they want to spent time on you.
The engineers talk about future products (not available) which makes it more interesting. Again if there is a mutual serious interest, the demoboards are not a problem, sometimes with an follow up appointment if they are pricy to be sure you are serious into the product.
Ofcourse only my personal experience after three visits, your mileage may vary.
I switched companies so am unable to attend, would it be offered I would probably go, but for me personal, even if the travel and hotel would be <$300 I would still not consider it worth it.
It is actually B2B.