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Extech giving away a FLIR i3

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--- Quote from: Chet T16 on September 20, 2011, 07:32:25 am ---I'd like to see you dress up as The Predator and run around the woods with your scope!

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For the 200th I was hoping to get the Fluke $12K IR meter and drop it from 2m, as well as run around at night with it and do all sorts of other stuff, but "the powers that be" vetoed it by the sounds of it. And the unit I was supposed to be given was the lame-arse Australian version has it's night vision hobbled because the stupid US government say it's a controlled export. I wasn't even allowed to tear it down, and they were greatly concerned that if I dropped it it might crack open and I might accidentally see the super secret US government paranoia controlled insides  ::)


If they ever replace this terrible look on the display of their DMM, I could possibly start to favor them just a bit.
The long and narrow digits that looks like pumpkins, its far away from my likings.  :) 

Pumpkin digits or no, a free IR camera is still a cool prize.


--- Quote from: PetrosA on September 20, 2011, 12:53:54 pm ---Pumpkin digits or no, a free IR camera is still a cool prize.

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And is not a bad tool if you want to check if and how your heatsink sinks heat.

What product is that?


--- Quote from: EEVblog on September 20, 2011, 10:00:41 am ---

For the 200th I was hoping to get the Fluke $12K IR meter and drop it from 2m, as well as run around at night with it and do all sorts of other stuff, but "the powers that be" vetoed it by the sounds of it. And the unit I was supposed to be given was the lame-arse Australian version has it's night vision hobbled because the stupid US government say it's a controlled export. I wasn't even allowed to tear it down, and they were greatly concerned that if I dropped it it might crack open and I might accidentally see the super secret US government paranoia controlled insides  ::)


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