Author Topic: Leuven, Belgium: Microsymposium: The Car of the Future (free, 14th of May)  (Read 1429 times)

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Offline TheUnnamedNewbieTopic starter

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Hi all,
As member of the IEEE SSCS, I would like to invite you to attend the first edition of the "Microelectronics Micro Symposium" organized by the SSCS Student Chapter Leuven. On the 14th of May numerous speaker from industry and academia will give a presentation on IC's for automotive applications. There will also be time during the break and afterwards during the reception for some networking.   To register, please follow the link bellow.

The best part about magic is when it stops being magic and becomes science instead

"There was no road, but the people walked on it, and the road came to be, and the people followed it, for the road took the path of least resistance"
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