Vienna Wireless Society, ham club from Vienna, VA will host two presentations this Friday (2019-01-25), which will be streamed live:
At 19:00EST/00:00Z Don, K4ZA will share some stories of his “elmee” and elmer days. The stream will be available at
Second presentation, at 20:00EST/01:00Z will will given by Don, KM4UDX. Don will talk about experiences designing, building and using hobby drones, and how can they be used for amateur radio activities. The stream will be available at
During both presentations the speakers will take questions and comments from remote viewers.
Recordings will be available after the events.
This is the first time I post this kind of announcement on EEVBlog forum, so I have a question to the mods and the readers: is it ok to post here this kind of messages? Should I post it to a different subforum, or not post at all?