I'm a Pom that's trying to plan a visit Down Under some time this year, and ideally arrange it so I can exhibit at a couple of maker / hacker / geek / computer type events while I'm there. Basically, any event where there might be some interest in my RC2014 Z80 based modular retro computer. Sadly, the info about most of these events doesn't come out until a short while beforehand, unless you're in the know - and being on the opposite side of the planet, I don't really know what you've got going on down there. The only event I can find any info on is the Adelaide Maker Faire in November [Update - Also now Sydney MMF in August, which wasn't listed when I looked recently]
So, what else is going on in Australia this year? There's got to be some other big meet ups, or camps that you guys are planning on attending. Any suggestions?