Author Topic: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017  (Read 5534 times)

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Offline semach.the.monkeyTopic starter

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Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:26:40 pm »

I'm a Pom that's trying to plan a visit Down Under some time this year, and ideally arrange it so I can exhibit at a couple of maker / hacker / geek / computer type events while I'm there.  Basically, any event where there might be some interest in my RC2014 Z80 based modular retro computer.  Sadly, the info about most of these events doesn't come out until a short while beforehand, unless you're in the know - and being on the opposite side of the planet, I don't really know what you've got going on down there.  The only event I can find any info on is the Adelaide Maker Faire in November [Update - Also now Sydney MMF in August, which wasn't listed when I looked recently]

So, what else is going on in Australia this year?  There's got to be some other big meet ups, or camps that you guys are planning on attending.  Any suggestions?



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Re: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 10:21:40 am »
Don't forget the World Solar Challenge which is early October in NT/Adelaide

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Re: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 10:25:03 am »
Unfortunately very little stuff like that happens in Australia.
There is the Electronex trade show, but that's not a lace to show off your project

Offline semach.the.monkeyTopic starter

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Re: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2017, 03:16:13 pm »
Thanks guys,

Yeah, the Electronex might be interesting to visit, but not the kind of place I'd take out a stall.  The dates for the Sydney Mini Maker Faire don't seem to be announced yet (other than 'August') so we'll have to see what I can organise to make it a worthwhile trip.



Offline semach.the.monkeyTopic starter

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Re: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2018, 12:34:50 pm »
I know it's bad form to reply to your own posts, and not a good idea to resurrect such an old thread... but, hey, it has become relavent again  :)

I will be going to the Wellington Maker Faire in NZ at the start of November, and whilst I'm in the southern hemisphere, it seems only polite to call in to Australia and visit some geeky / hacky / electronicsy / computery type events

I'm still in the process of planing dates and locations, so I'm looking for suggestions of any events going off around Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne (possibly further afield?) at the end of October or first half of November. 

If there's nothing much happening then I'll try to organise a RC2014 meetup or two while I'm there if there is any interest.


Offline station240

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Re: Maker Faire type events in Australia 2017
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2018, 04:02:44 am »
Sadly this means we will not be able to deliver a Maker Faire this year. We hope to be back in 2019.
Shame last years was early November, and would have suited you.

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