Tomorrow, on Friday Feb 8, Vienna Wireless Society will host two presentations DXing topics:
1. 19:00EST/00:00Z:
Understanding the DX QSL ProcessTerry, N4ZH and other Club members will discuss various aspects of the ARRL Outgoing and Incoming QSL Service or Bureau. Terry will be assisted by a panel who will also discuss “green stamps” and other Tips & Tricks for securing confirmation of your DX QSOs.
2. 20:00EST/01:00Z:
A DX Panel of ExpertsBill, W2WCM will moderate a panel discussion with Harry, K3NF, Terry, N4ZH, Ron WA6YOU, and Jack, AI4SV and discuss such topics as how to: successfully complete a DX contact, bust through a pileup, deal with split frequency operations, and join a DXpedition.
Please join the streams, and join the discussion by asking questions and sending comments.
Recordings will be available after the meeting.
You can also view recordings from the past presentations on the Club's web site: