This big UK vintage/retro technology fair used to be called the National Vintage Communications Fair. RetrotechUK reflects its facelift and enlarged scope. by the British Vintage Wireless Society, it has been a regular event on my calendar for 12 years or more.
It's a great day out for bargain hunters, with lots of other local things to do (castles, gardens etc) for partners who don't enjoy dusty tech.
There's pretty much everything vintage there, at reasonable prices. Audio, TV, Radio, Valves, Telephones, Vinyl, Record Players, Tape Recorders, Test Equipment, Vintage computers.
The Event Centre is out of town near Leamington Spa, close to M40 jns 12 and 13, and has a large free car-park right by the door.
I usually help out on the huge Bring & Buy stall, which raises funds for the Vintage Wireless and TV Museum in London (, so do say hi if you are passing.
I hope to see some EEVBloggers there!