Author Topic: The Mekka of "Voodoo RF black magic": IMS2018 Philadelphia, 10th-15th of June  (Read 2611 times)

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Offline TheUnnamedNewbieTopic starter

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Anyone here that will be there/presenting?
The best part about magic is when it stops being magic and becomes science instead

"There was no road, but the people walked on it, and the road came to be, and the people followed it, for the road took the path of least resistance"

Offline pigrew

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My girlfriend and I will be there. She's doing a presentation. I'm doing the student volunteer thing. We are still at home... about to start the drive, arriving late tonight.


Offline TheUnnamedNewbieTopic starter

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I will jump on a plane tomorrow morning. I will be presenting research I took part in on Tuesday (Tu4H session), and will take it from there.
The best part about magic is when it stops being magic and becomes science instead

"There was no road, but the people walked on it, and the road came to be, and the people followed it, for the road took the path of least resistance"

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