www.UpYourBench.orgStart Date Announced!
Up Your Bench Contest entries begin December 14th.
Get your photos ready!All entries in any category qualify for the Fluke 87V random drawing!
www.UpYourBench.org for rules and more details.
Two Contest Categories: Send in a photo and a brief description of any of the following.
These are broad categories to allow pretty much anyone with a soldering iron or workbench to enter and qualify for the random drawing. (sorry, contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only)
Soldering Category:
Vintage soldering iron/gun/tools - Got a vintage soldering iron or gun? Show it!
Soldering setup - Show your soldering tools/setup on your bench. Doesn't matter whether you have the latest digital soldering station, an old soldering station that looks like it's been through a war (like mine) or just starting out with a Radio Shack iron and a sponge. We've all been there at some point.
Maybe it's an idea like using an old PC power supply fan as a soldering fume disburser or a home made holder for your roll of solder.
Workbench Category:
Show us your workbench - whether it's got the latest test equipment, vintage tube test gear, so messy you can't see it, or clean as a whistle so it looks like it's never used.
Show and describe an example of an innovative idea pertaining to your electronics bench such as a unique way you store your test leads, how your bench has built-in power, meters, etc. Unique parts storage, or any other thing that you think makes your bench unique.
Tight on space? Show your bench set up in it's strange or odd place whether it be the kitchen table, the hood of your wife's car or wherever you normally work. Even if you pick it up each time to have dinner. One random pre-contest winner showed a photo of his portable work area set up on a folded up lawn chair.
Winner Selection:
Five finalists will be chosen in each category for the random First Prize drawing in each category and all entries in either category qualify for the Fluke 87V random drawing!
Contest Dates:
The Winter 2012 Up Your Bench Contest will begin December 14, 2012 and all mailed in entries for the contest must be postmarked no later than February 28, 2013 and must be received no later than March 5th, 2013. Do not send entries until the Winter 2012 rules and contest entry form are posted. All entries must include the information on the entry form.
All entries in either category qualify for the Fluke 87V random drawing!