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UK rallies Sunday

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Cambridge  Repeater Group
McMichael, Reading

Anybody going ?

Not me, but another denizen is planning on going to McMichael.

Chippenham on 28th July
FRARS on 11th
Rugby on 18th
MKARS on 25th (possibly)
Telford 1st September

I did cambridge. Sadly, it seems to get smaller every year. It used to be one of the best a few years ago.
I got there reasonably early though and came away with a bargain Agilent 6633B.


--- Quote from: artag on July 14, 2024, 11:00:58 am ---Sadly, it seems to get smaller every year.

--- End quote ---

They all are, a consequence of attendees'  age, covid, ebay.

One of my favourites, Didcot/Harwell is now defunct.


--- Quote from: artag on July 14, 2024, 11:00:58 am ---I did cambridge. Sadly, it seems to get smaller every year. It used to be one of the best a few years ago.
I got there reasonably early though and came away with a bargain Agilent 6633B.

--- End quote ---

I don't suppose you noticed Robert763


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