Unless you have a mains utility fault
This station is a UL certified device. It is safe for all reasonable operating conditions, including surges and transients.
If a person gets injured by a certified device and sues, then UL will be the ones who have to answer.
It is NOT certified to be plugged into 240V.
Feel free to point out real safety issues with Weller soldering irons (aside from Dave's incident).
But will UL pick up the 'sue' tab or Weller ?
i.e. the injured person may win the case but get no money,
and or get looped around for years in courts and legal BS,
finally 'forced' to settle for some 'go away' cash,
or else wait another decade or two...

for a bit more, or less 'go away' pocket money
with another unfused solder station replacement thrown in to sweeten the deal

Who needs a ball breaking farce like this, when all the manufacturer needs to do is SIMPLY install a CHEAP FUSE in the device with or without a UL sticker

Assuming it really does meet genuine UL guidelines in the first place...back in the courtroom again..