Author Topic: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?  (Read 32209 times)

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #125 on: April 29, 2022, 07:43:17 pm »
At home, the Moccamaster, with 1x4 filters, filled to brim, about 1,5 litres water, 71 grams dark roast filter ground. Very repeatable.

In the outdoors, the Trangia pot, cold water, coarse grind beans (as dark roast as possible) and bring to a boil, lift off, boil again, let stand for a minute to make the grounds sink off, and serve. Don't clean the pot for the next batch, just add more beans... 

Yes, we and our easterly brothers and sisters in Finland are the ones who drink the most coffee per capita in the world. 
« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 07:44:56 pm by mansaxel »
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Offline mnementh

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #126 on: April 30, 2022, 05:22:01 pm »

First brew for dad. Still working on the right amount of coffee for his tastebuds; also a lot of silt on the bottom due to fine grind, so we're gonna try disc filters. Yes, I know you're supposed to use a coarse grind with percolators; that was a trade-off made for being water-process decaf.

Worst case, we'll go on a store crawl to find someplace with decaf whole-bean as a regular stock item so I can grind it proper. :-//

Life goes on.
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Offline Psi

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #127 on: May 01, 2022, 12:35:26 am »
Anyone have a recommendations for a 240V jug/kettle that is commonly available internationally (i'm in NZ) and has a programmable stop temperature in 1 degC increments?

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Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #128 on: May 01, 2022, 01:12:43 am »
Anyone have a recommendations for a 240V jug/kettle that is commonly available internationally (i'm in NZ) and has a programmable stop temperature in 1 degC increments?

Should be plenty of options in NZ or even shipping from Oz shouldn't be to expensive. Hario gear is great but a little expensive

On more of a Budget Breville make some ok gear too.

or chase up some of the brands listed here. The Bonavita gear is likely available in NZ and is also ok gear.
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Offline mnementh

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #129 on: May 03, 2022, 03:32:28 pm »
At home, the Moccamaster, with 1x4 filters, filled to brim, about 1,5 litres water, 71 grams dark roast filter ground. Very repeatable.

In the outdoors, the Trangia pot, cold water, coarse grind beans (as dark roast as possible) and bring to a boil, lift off, boil again, let stand for a minute to make the grounds sink off, and serve. Don't clean the pot for the next batch, just add more beans... 

Yes, we and our easterly brothers and sisters in Finland are the ones who drink the most coffee per capita in the world.

Yup... same as I grew up with on grandma's farm: Ranch coffee made on a wood or gas hob, filtered by straining through your teeth.  :-DD

Guess all these years of marriage have made me some tiny bit civilized... we tried the Brew-Rite paper disc filters on dad's percolator and it works quite well. The Brew-Rite discs are definitely made of paper, and quite thin, so they conform very tightly to the bottom of the basket.  :-+

I tried them in our pot, and one grain of coffee in my cup... we'll see what things look like when I get down to the dregs.  :-//

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Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #130 on: July 06, 2023, 11:49:49 pm »
Today is the day they replace the rotten powerpole in the street.

Break out the camping gear because 'Coffee'.

Nice Yirgacheffe in the grinder  8)
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Offline floobydust

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #131 on: July 07, 2023, 02:14:38 am »
How hot is the water? I am finding boiling is not great for flavour compared to letting it cool to say 85°C, for a French press.
So I am curious how it matters in drip-through.

Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #132 on: July 07, 2023, 02:30:18 am »
Much over 90C and you bring out more of the undesirable flavours. So somewhere between 85-92 works best for brewed. Roast profile and bean choice plays a big part too. Typical heavy roasts taste like ass when used in a brewed process.

The other factor with a press is watch you don't steep for to long before pressing or you will over extract the brew.
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Offline Psi

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #133 on: July 07, 2023, 03:18:40 am »
If you want to get good coffee from a pod machine I recommend getting ristretto style pods and a machine that has a ristretto setting (very short/small extraction).  Pod machines just always seems to make better coffee with short extractions.

Use 2 pods per drink, since 1 pod is really intended for a tiny coffee mug anyway, and ristretto is pretty small amount of coffee.

You can add water/milk/sugar as you want. You don't have to drink it as a tiny ristretto shot.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2023, 03:20:13 am by Psi »
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Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #134 on: July 07, 2023, 06:07:31 am »
The best results from pods is just don't  >:D

Typically they hold around 5-7g of floor sweepings and assorted flavours and preservatives.

'Traditionally' an Espresso is 30ml while a more modern trend has been to shut that off early at closer to 20ml/shot, this is generally based on an extraction time of around 25-30 seconds. However to get that to work you should be grinding and dosing differently too so it is not as some hipster wannabes do simply pouring a 15-20 second shot.

However this is generally not Italy and not the 1950's and 60's so we have typically moved on from single shot Espressos which would be made with (generally accepted to be 8-9g) and if you local coffee shop is doing it properly they will be making you a short to full double shot from 16-21g baskets. So even two pods is shortchanging you before you get to their other issues.

Your average cafe (not the better coffee shops) has also pumped up the size of their drinking vessels to stupidly large while 150-180ml were the norm now unless you get a Cappuccino in a 250-300ml bowl you think you are getting shortchanged. So if you get milky weak swill commercially then more than likely they used a single basket or split the double into two coffees or stop asking for a bucket :P

Ok Friday non rant time is over and it is Beer O'clock :-DD

Coffee, Food, R/C and electronics nerd in no particular order. Also CNC wannabe, 3D printer and Laser Cutter Junkie and just don't mention my TEA addiction....
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Offline Psi

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #135 on: July 07, 2023, 06:10:43 am »
The best results from pods is just don't  >:D

Typically they hold around 5-7g of floor sweepings and assorted flavours and preservatives.

I agree, but sometimes you have no choice.
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Offline mengfei

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #136 on: July 07, 2023, 06:23:43 am »
New to the scene  ;D

I like my coffee with milk & I use Camel Powdered milk which taste great "for me"

I either do a pour over of 600g in one go - is this OK to do or should i do a 300 + 300 pour 1:18 ratio


22g in 44g out espresso then add that to 600g of powdered camel milk or cows milk.
Before I was using a powdered mixture for Bulletproof coffee

Am I doing the unthinkable  :-//

Offline Ian.M

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #137 on: July 07, 2023, 07:36:40 am »
No.  The unspeakable/unthinkable is heating condensed milk + Cardamom pods to brew with (or even the whole brew) in a shared electric kettle used by others of different ethnicity!

Coming back to find a kettle tainted with fortnight old milk-impregnated limescale 🤮 is why we made Jaz buy the rest of us a new kettle.  He then made further efficiency savings by boiling his breakfast egg in his unholy brew in the same kettle, but after one too many boil-overs due to holding the switch down, was banned from doing so in the shared kitchen.  :rant:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2023, 07:47:26 am by Ian.M »

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #138 on: July 07, 2023, 08:29:20 am »
is this OK to do or should i do...

If you like it then it is perfectly OK.

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #139 on: July 07, 2023, 09:01:44 am »
Due to a dicky stomach I can only drink Birds mellow coffee.
I tend to make it with all milk.

Side effects of coffee can be a nuisance.
Cant drink it before bed time or I cant sleep.
It also keeps me up pee-ing all night.
Caffeine upsets my bladder and makes me pee more often.
I have a enlarged prostate which doesnt help.

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #140 on: July 07, 2023, 05:22:21 pm »
Tried Camp Coffee? My missus uses it to make coffee cake so it tastes reasonably close but doesn't actually have coffee in it.

Offline mengfei

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #141 on: July 10, 2023, 01:06:37 am »
No.  The unspeakable/unthinkable is heating condensed milk + Cardamom pods to brew with (or even the whole brew) in a shared electric kettle used by others of different ethnicity!

Coming back to find a kettle tainted with fortnight old milk-impregnated limescale 🤮 is why we made Jaz buy the rest of us a new kettle.  He then made further efficiency savings by boiling his breakfast egg in his unholy brew in the same kettle, but after one too many boil-overs due to holding the switch down, was banned from doing so in the shared kitchen.  :rant:

oh my! that's nasty.

tried condensed milk the other day, didn't like it now but when we where young it was yummy  ;D

Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #142 on: July 10, 2023, 02:22:57 am »
No.  The unspeakable/unthinkable is heating condensed milk + Cardamom pods to brew with (or even the whole brew) in a shared electric kettle used by others of different ethnicity!

Coming back to find a kettle tainted with fortnight old milk-impregnated limescale 🤮 is why we made Jaz buy the rest of us a new kettle.  He then made further efficiency savings by boiling his breakfast egg in his unholy brew in the same kettle, but after one too many boil-overs due to holding the switch down, was banned from doing so in the shared kitchen.  :rant:

Vietnamese Coffee is definitely out there  :-DD I actually do a Spiced Hot Chocolate mix with Cardamom, Nutmeg and Cinnamon but Coffee is Coffee  :box:

Speaking of Eggs and horror cooking methods an old classic is using the steam wand on an Espresso machine to make scrambled eggs. Ever had to scrape and remove months old milk, egg and mystery detritus from those wands - I have for $  :P
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Offline mengfei

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #143 on: July 10, 2023, 06:48:48 am »

Speaking of Eggs and horror cooking methods an old classic is using the steam wand on an Espresso machine to make scrambled eggs. Ever had to scrape and remove months old milk, egg and mystery detritus from those wands - I have for $  :P

hmmm you gave me an idea with that egg+steam wand, mine has 3 holes   :-DD

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #144 on: July 11, 2023, 07:26:35 pm »
Vietnamese Coffee is definitely out there
best coffee  out there according to my taste buds,but not boiled with the condensed milk ,you add a dollop of that to your cup first.

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #145 on: July 12, 2023, 04:24:29 am »
I like certain brands of UHT milk in my coffee.  (The ultra-pasteurization process generates a bit of sweetness that suits my tastes better than sucrose (table sugar) or other sweeteners.)
(I also like it in tea, although honey with specific flavoured black teas is quite nice too.  Oh, and a tiny bit of vanilla is sometimes very nice.)

Now, my own senses claim that there is a difference between mixing milk into coffee, and coffee into milk, even with the exact same amounts.  I've always wondered if that is true or not, but have never bothered to actually do a blind test.  Anyone else have an opinion?

Offline dobsonr741

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #146 on: July 12, 2023, 05:22:44 am »
18 in 36 out espresso, in 30 seconds. We are engineers, aren’t we?

Offline mengfei

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #147 on: July 12, 2023, 07:05:41 am »
18 in 36 out espresso, in 30 seconds. We are engineers, aren’t we?

Oh my! this has so many variables, i wish it was always as simple as 18in 36out 30secs  ::)

oh BTW just moded my cheaaaap grinder coz the lowest setting just barely makes the cut in espresso
added a washer bellow the cutting head from 0.4mm to now 0.7mm & it "seems" to churn our powder type coffee which sometimes clogs the porta filter (depending on the type of beans)
it's similar to this

« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 07:17:19 am by mengfei »

Offline beanflying

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #148 on: July 12, 2023, 07:14:16 am »
And as Engineers we also know that there is way more than one way to write a specification let alone interpret it or even decide which specification should apply.

Italians will tell you are wrong period, Hipsters will want to debate you over the merits and the flavour 'notes' created by sticking to or varying from it  :-DD

Even if you take a numerical timed and weighed set of figures what temperature, pre infusion, pressure profile during infusion and on and on it goes. Coffee is part numbers and much more an ART.
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Offline dobsonr741

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Re: (relax topic) what's your preferred method to make coffee?
« Reply #149 on: July 12, 2023, 12:45:50 pm »
IMO there needs to be a solid foundation of technicalities - dialing in the espresso, and be able to do it repeatedly with the same results with the same batch of beans.

The art comes with picking the beans, and bending it even further to taste, up or down in extraction time, pressure and temperature.

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