General > Cooking

Air fryers?

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--- Quote from: Berni on May 25, 2023, 11:04:39 am ---We used to use air fryers from >20 years ago, they look like this:

They work well for reheating stuff. For cooking too, tho it is a fair bit of cleanup afterwards. We tend to just use a regular oven these days.

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A while ago I came across someone who changed an oven like that into a reflow oven:

I've ordered mine just now.
Literally can't believe talking about air friers on eev ;)


--- Quote from: jemarro12 on August 14, 2023, 09:03:11 pm ---I've ordered mine just now.
Literally can't believe talking about air friers on eev ;)

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Why? Most other cooking appliances crop up here as soldering tools. :)

my old Air Fryers is really beat up! Almost used everyday since I went carnivore but i throw in occasionally a few yams & they cook really well in AF. I previously used turbo cookers, the one with the glass bottom & top lid lifts up that has a halogen bulb, can cook a large whole chicken in that one  ;D

 Now using Vesync(Cosori) & it's a really nice AF, juices are kept inside.

the best fried chicken I ever had came out of one of those halogen things


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