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I like asparagus. Great vegetable. Sauteed with some olive oil and garlic...add a little salt and it is good to go.

I use the bend and snap method to get to the "tips". There is a natural breaking point and this has worked well for me.

Of course, this leaves me with more stalk than tip. Before you give me a ration about how I am throwing away the best part and not saving the earth or whatever, I have tried to use those stalks. I have sliced them very thin and fried them. I have peeled them and sliced them very thin and fried them. No matter what, they are still too fibrous and stringy and do not make it as far as I am concerned.

Some have told me that they use them in soups where you make it from scratch and simmer for many hours. I have not done that. Does it work? Does anyone have some secret methods?

Fine chop an inch or two of the top end to add back in as visible asparagus,  boil up the rest (add the cooking water from the tips if you boiled, or steamed them), blend and strain to extract the flavor, squeeze the pulp then discard it, then add the fine chopped Asparagus, simmer till reasonably tender then thicken, season and add other ingredients as desired, or if you are lazy simply add a packet of Asparagus soup powder.

You may want to cook one stalk with the tips to get an idea how much of the top end is soft enough to chop up.

I suspect many people are familiar with Benjamin Franklin (early American statesman).  He wrote of asparagus in 1781, “A few stems of asparagus eaten, shall give our urine a disagreable odour.”  He also wrote what a wonderful vegetable it was.

Now the question is whether those people who can't detect that smell lack the ability to smell the compounds (quite common for other things) or the ability to produce the odorous compounds.  Apparently, it is some of both.

--- Quote ---Source:
More recent studies, though, suggest the issue is a bit more complicated. The most recent study, from 2010, found that differences existed between individuals in both the production and detection of the scent.
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BTW: I like my asparagus just barely cooked, like 30 seconds in boiling water or w/o a timer, until they just turn to a darker green

That "fine chop an inch or two" is not a bad suggestion. The bend-for-break method works well as I said, but maybe I could maximize yield.

As for the pee issue - I have absolutely no difficulty detecting asparagusic acid. But it is worth it :)

I like to peel the majority of the stalk carefully with a potato peeler.
Snap the large woody end off & compost, then marinate the rest for an hour (up to 4 hrs) in Italian salad dressing.
Grill on the BBQ (on seasoned expanded metal, or you'll lose 'em) until slightly charred all around.
Your pee will still stink.. ;)


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