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Cooking: Anyone found a can opener built to last with ballbearing's and o-rings.

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Has anyone come across a quality can opener built to last with ball bearings and o-rings?

I'm sick of all the can openers available wearing out after a year because they are junk.
The cheap ones and the expensive ones all seem to use the same cheap and dirty approach and only vary in terms of handle and styling.

This one has worked well for me, very solid and reliable, have had it for years. Unfortunately, the writing has worn off so I can't tell the brand.

Also, I've just noticed some rust appearing due to neglect, so I think I need to clean it up a a bit  :(

Head to your nearest commercial kitchen supplier.

Depending on your kitchen layout the big boy Bonzer sitting in a drawer with the mount attached to a bench eats cans in a commercial setting, Mine was in my Cafe Kitchen the mount now sits under one of my mobile stainless benches.


--- Quote from: IanB on October 23, 2021, 01:44:57 am ---This one has worked well for me, very solid and reliable, have had it for years. Unfortunately, the writing has worn off so I can't tell the brand.

--- End quote ---

Looks like a swing-a-way brand, which is pretty much the original 'built like a tank' brand in the USA...

I think it's a classic case of "they don't make that exact model any more" -- so when you find something good, buy two of them...

...because you won't be able to replace it when you need to.


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