General > Cooking

DON'T: Cheese sauce with Mozzerela.

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Just don't.  That is all.

Okay, so I tried it.  Maybe put too much in.  No matter how much milk I added and no matter how much I heating and "folded it together" it still ended up a large blob of .... basically kids slime.

It "was" moderately tastey, but I didn't go back for seconds.

That's why creditcard snot* is not used to lubricate ball bearings.

Try parmesan, cotija, or virtually any other cheese.


Maybe try cream instead of milk

I think there is some recpies I saw for welsh rarebit that made a mozzerella sauce some where

I think Jack cheese is the only one that makes a good sauce without help. But if you use a small amount of sodium citrate, you can use other cheese as a sauce. Just mix citric acid and baking soda in the correct proportions (in water) to get sodium citrate.

Also not from Camembert.  :-//


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