Most of the energy is used during the initial heat-up, to bring the water from ambient temperature to boiling point. For the same volume of water, this is largely independent of the rice cooker power rating - a lower wattage one is slower to come to the boil, so actually uses slightly more energy as it looses heat to the environment for a longer time.
It takes approx 313 kJ to raise the temperature of one liter of water from 25°C to 100°C, which is 0.087 kWh.
1kWH would be enough electricity to cook about 3kg of dry rice (in batches) in a rice cooker . . .
I doubt is worth worrying about the cost to run the rice cooker for one person eating the rice.
However if your tenant has an electric room heater, that can run at full power for hours at a time, and many will have power ratings in excess of 1kW.