This same dik tried to tell me to use one to test that the eggs I was frying on a hotplate were 'cooked through' 
It is a little off topic, but I have become extremely picky about my scrambled eggs. Scramble in a bowl. A few drops of oil in the pan. No additives. Wait until just the right temp - gas flame, visual calibration.
I consider scorch marks a fail. I also no longer try to keep the mass all together - no folding or anything like the case with an omelet. I "dice" a bit with a spatula and they are nice and fluffy and not to soft and never hard.
I am now (as local CoVid numbers finally dwindle locally) looking forward to, once again, meeting friends at the diner - scrambled eggs, home fries, bacon and wheat toast. A modern luxury, but hold the scorch marks and refill the coffee.
Of course, variety is the spice of life, so on occasion, over easy because breaking the yokes with a bacon dip is also an outstanding achievement of modern living.