I took the time to make a knock off english breakfast and it certainly brightened up the morning
I noticed that porcini or similar dried mushroom derivatives work great for this meal, to make it actually accessible, because the ingredients are not on hand and it takes long to prep. However this time I got actual HP sauce (not A1)
The process I found is
1) put bacon on pan
2) wet dry porcini or other mushrooms with water in vacuum sealer bag, then vacuum seal it for more then 1 minute, it will basically instantly rehydrate that stuff. Works on freeze dried food, I had faster results in 90 seconds boiling under vacuum then 24 HOURS of submersion for a freeze dried cheese cake!!!
3) While that is 'cooking', cut tomato into like 1 inch thick slices. The crappy winter tomatoes I think work better actually, because their basically armored and don't fall apart.
4) put tomatoes on frying pan with oil and butter
5) drain dried mushroom, squeeze dry, throw on pan with tomatoes (it bearly changes state after you release the vacuum)
I found that the tomatoes and mushrooms still cook slower then the bacon, but not for very long, and works out because by the time they have a bit of a crisp on them, you can fry the eggs in the pan that you fried the tomatoes and mushrooms in (it can be deglazed slightly too)
This sequence lets you avoid using bacon fat for cooking, which I find is a big plus, because I think its a fail when all the bacon grease gets absorbed by the eggs.
For the bread I recommend brushing on some fat onto a thick slice with a silicone brush (not dip soak) to make it somewhat less deadly, but I feel like its pretty ridiculous, The meal is already pretty greasy and savory and I had no problem eating it with a dry thick slice of dense rye. Having white bread with this seems criminal.

I never had success with fresh mushrooms, I don't know how the hell normal people keep it in stock, its always a rush to use it. I consider this like a lazy day type thing, I can't see how the fresh god damn mushrooms would be available to actually cook this in the god damn morning.
and the quick rehydrate ones fry fast. Frying a fresh bella mushroom to 'fried color' takes a while unless you nuke it and get smoking splattering oil on near max temp
