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Where do you stand with heat (how hot is too hot)?

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I have come to terms with my comfort level regarding capsaicin. I am a fan of Sriracha / Tabasco / Texas Pete. I do grow my own hot peppers -

and I always have some hot oil from them handy.

But, I have a few friends who have grown Ghost peppers and now Carolina Reapers. Naturally, they have to give you some. Toxic hot! I went to a Thai restaurant once where the food was so tasty and so hot, it was killing me :) I have long given up on the "manliness" of burning the piss out of your mouth and (other parts). To each their own.

I do, get a kick out of these videos though - a couple of my favorites below.

The hotter the better, but, not just hot for the sake of being hot. It has to have a nice flavour. There are plenty of chilli products that are crazy hot but taste like shit.

I tend to like pretty hot, but not so hot that it's just pain rather than flavor. Usually the upper end of the stuff not sold as specialty insanely hot is pretty good. I've had pollen allergies most of my life so my sense of smell has not been very good in a long time, combined with normal aging of the senses I find my preference shifts hotter as I get older.

For me the heat should never be the main event. It should be a little kick that enhances everything else.
Whats the point if all you get is the burn? Might as well eat a raw chilli salad.

Good cooking is all about balance.


--- Quote from: twospoons on March 16, 2021, 05:24:08 am ---For me the heat should never be the main event. It should be a little kick that enhances everything else.
Whats the point if all you get is the burn? Might as well eat a raw chilli salad.

Good cooking is all about balance.

--- End quote ---

I agree, however, by putting myself through pain (and the occasional regret the next day), I found my tolerance went up rather quickly. Now, chilli that would make the average person run for the milk adds a nice flavour to dishes (in my opinion). I use chilli like other people use salt, it really brings out the flavour of different ingredients if you can push past some initial pain while you're getting used to more and more heat.


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