Personally I'm very interested in the MIO168 module. The hardware looks capable to support a lot of different use cases: My primary use would be for it to simulate MCU outputs during the 'tweaking phase' of the hardware parts of my builds/experiments. Currently I find myself using my (fancy) signal generator way too often for generating DC voltages or PWM signals (simulating pins of the MCU of the project). The MIO168 has a powerful MCU of its own. That got me wondering: What will be the sample rates for setting/reading the outputs/inputs? And how to avoid skew or frequency differences with other modules/chassis: Most modules have there own clocks and I didn't see a synchronisation/clock/heartbeat pin in the current DIB specs?
It's still premature to talk about sample rates. Your idea about using MIO168 to simulate MCU outputs sounds good, but that is calling for opening a discussion and "peer-review" (possibly in main topic
here) of what is added at least on the hardware side so far. For example, does existing digital outputs with low-side switches serve the purpose?
I'm aware about lack of synchronization (triggering) and clock in
DIB v1.0. Currently only one signal is available for such purpose: SYNC output. It is used for syncing OE between more power modules. In chassis without power modules it can be used for something else. Other "auxiliary" outputs could be second module chip select (CSB), but something that is missing are bidirectional triggering lines, that "slave" MCU could trigger other "slave" or even "master" MCU.
Other module ideas I've been dreaming about in anticipation of receiving the EEZ BB3:
- A USB-PD module: More and more USB-PD is being used to deliver serious power to devices and I think it would be nice to be capable of setting PD limits/options and measuring power usages and read error messages easily. This might not need to be a separate DIB module: Maybe it's also possible to use a DCP405 module (power, sense and analog control) and use the UART of the chassis to talk to a external PCB with the USB-PD hardware incl. a small MCU. Software on the BB3 will rerad/set the USB-PD parameters. Or add this to existing module as an extra port and/or piggyboard.
- A development module: I think there are several people interested in building specific modules. Having a module that has just the optocouplers, EEPROM and breaks out the (isolated) SPI,I2C pins to the front. This would allow for fast and safe tweaking up a prototype module or adapting existing hardware designs to the BB3 without the need for a BB3 specific module fist or the risk of blowing up other parts of the precious BB3... 
- A straight forward DC load module.
I look forward to and welcome any initiative to create new modules.
In the beginning, the bigger challenge will be to simplify support of new modules in the "master" firmware, but we have some ideas on how to organize everything together so that the functions of the master MCU and what will happen on the modules are separated, i.e. that the module carries in the firmware everything needed for presentation on the display.