Yesterday my BB3 arrived and I assembled it successfully thanks to the list above that warned the IDC cable could be faulty, I payed attention to the cable and that saved the day...
The assembly was nice, instructions easy to follow. My findings:
- My IDC cable was indeed faulty: The cable was pressed in at an angle causing a misalignment (and causing a short). I managed to remove the faulty connector and assemble it (one of the clips broke off but it will hold).
- The TFT display was completely loose from the from panel. It was not damaged so fixing was easily done.
- Missed 2 black screws (ordered 3 modules so needed 2 extra for the 3th PSU)
- Had to tap 2 screw holes of the front panel (due to painting?)
Had no problems upgrading the firmware to 1.3.2: Used a raspberry pi for this. Tip for the firmware upgrade manual: The USB cable needs to be disconnected to power off the MCU and reset it to normal operations. Just flipping the power switch didn't get the MCU out of DFU mode.
I really like the BB3 and the features it has! Especially the logging features are nice for me.

Things that would improve the BB3 for me even more are:
- There is no visual indication of the encoder step size, will it add 10mv or 1V if I turn it now?
- If I use the user SW to change the encoder step size then the encoder will not respond until the window with the new step size is closed. Can using the encoder close this window?
- It would be nice if the encoder press is just as programmable as the user switch.
- If I change the display view of a channel to Power and Current then all views with graphs change to Power and Current, except the default view (two large numbers shown) with numbers in this case I think the Power and Current should be large and measured voltage should be small where Power is?
On the hardware side: The DCP405 modules are very nice and power delivery and measurements are spot on!

On the DCM220 I noticed 2 things:
- When powered off a voltage of 1.37V appears on the output if there is no load or just a high resistance (kilo ohms) connected. If you run a dlog on the BB3 it wil even be recorded (I also verified it with a DDM):

Here I the output was of. First it was shorted (0V), short released causing it to rise slowly to 1.37V, short applied again it drops to 0V. Again DDM on the output show exactly the same values. There also is no difference between channel 1 and channel 2.
If I use a 3k3 resistor (matching the internal resistor at the output of the DCM220) the voltage drops to 0.7V about half. The current thru the resistor doesn't decrease so it's not just a capacitor discharge it's something sourcing around 0.4mA. Not a big thing for me, was just wondering where it is coming from.
- When comparing the measured currents from the DCM220 they seemed to be off with pretty significant values (up to 5-10%). After some playing around I found that this happens if the voltage set value is increased, when decreasing the set voltage (and with a resistive load also decreasing the current) the current reading is spot on again. In other words: there is some kind of hysteresis in the current reading.
To illustrate this, I created a small stair case like voltage list:

Running this list with a 14 ohm resistive load gives:

The shown current is at 10V AFTER 8V step. Measuring 650mA, DDM says 700mA

The shown current is at 10V AFTER 12V step. Measuring 700mA, DDM also says 700mA
Why is this happening?
PS. Did I already mention I really like the logging and graphing features?