This is an interesting one to call on.
For1. All the technology currently exists.
2. The bulk of the software development can happen without a prototype.
3. The packaging size appears realistic (if ambitious).
4. There appears to be significant real thought in the design.
Against1. Supply of the flexible display is critical (without explicit backing from a huge name at the moment).
2. Flexible funding - does not inspire confidence at all, 1e6 available!!!??
3. Ambitious price tag.
4. Ridiculous time-scale (Oct 2013...)
My guess is that it's a genuine (but misguided) effort, and probably launched inspite/despite the failure of the previous 'nanoGlass' project. It's also possible that it has been done for the publicity - it does look more like a little like the output of some design student trying to get noticed by {insert corp here}.
That said, the flexible funding and Oct 2013 delivery make it whiff.