Im Leon, the CTO (and inventor etc..) and if I may, I thought I might mention a few things about the spike in the kickstarter project
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/131581426/spike-laser-accurate-measurement-and-modelling-onThe laser rangefinder in the spike is based from our other rangefinder products (that start at $8000) so it comes from a very strong and proven background. It uses an invisible (eyesafe) laser pulse, and times the travel time to measure the distance. We measure the range by digitizing the return waveform and look for the peaks to find the targets. Technically, the main accuracy limit is to do with smearing of the returned waveform from rough targets, practically the limit is to do with the size of the target and your ability to see it. The camera in the phone is used as a viewfinder.
We sell a lot rangefinders, and by far the most popular into industrial solutions is the 300m version, the 1000m is mainly used by Army's etc.
The range of a laser is limited by the size of the lenses.. so to fit it on the back of a phone, we need to scale them back a bit. We have set the spec at 200m, it could well go past this, especially to highly reflective targets.
The resolution is 2cm, and we conservatively spec the accuracy at +/-20cm
Why is it so cheap - not $1500 like TruPulse 360? its because we see that by making the technology more accessable, we can solve more real measurement problems... and the Kickstarter units are special priced for the early adopters.
The real smarts lie in the software - in one quick process, measure the height of a tree and superimpose on a photo then email it.
With the photogrammetry tools, we will make apps to do complex tasks, like model a roof for fast quoting etc.
There will be lots of apps, you just subscribe to the ones you need.
The basic unit will do all the normal rangefinder functions, with the ability to upgrade as needed.
please feel free to drop me a line,
Leon Toorenburg
+64 21 356688