Products > Crowd Funded Projects

I want to ask how to promote crowdfunding campaign

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We're facing challenges in promoting our crowdfunding campaign, especially since our product is still under development.

 What are some effective strategies to overcome these obstacles?

Present a great, innovative product at a fair price and a trustworthy communication - that will work by itself, no real promotion needed.

Presenting your product in this forum might either receive well deserved attention, or well deserved criticism. Lots of people with lots of knowledge here - you might even get some hints how to improve your product.

(And no, we certainly don't need another USB power device.)

So - what is your product all about?

Hmm, I always thought that you're supposed to develop your product first and *then* go to a crowdfunding campaign to secure funding for its manufacturing.

Not really sure why an electronics forum would be the best place to ask that question?

So I checked your website. Call me confused.
I really have no idea, what the "greater plan" for this product is.
Don't get me wrong, this looks professionally made and I would trust your team to being able to develop it further.
However, currently, this is a "no buy" from me - as I simply have no idea what to use this for. Maybe just show some sample applications to convince me :)


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