Three related products are currently produced by former manufacturer of HeadOn Miralus Healthcare:
ActivOn - described on the company's website as a topical analgesic for arthritis-like joint pains, in multiple formulations. Additionally, the product originally named FirstOn, a topical anti-itch product, is now called ActivOn Maximum Strength Anti-Itch.
PreferOn - A topical product containing Vitamin E, claimed to improve the appearance of scars.
RenewIn - A pill claimed to improve joint comfort, flexibility and mobility, in multiple formulations.
A homeopathic hemorrhoid cream, FREEdHem, was withdrawn from the market. Like HeadOn, FREEdHem featured repetition in its ads, which said "Freedom from hemorrhoids, FREEdHem hemorrhoid cream" or "FREEdHem, the only one-application hemorrhoidal cream" three times.