Products > Crowd Funded Projects

Pebble, another good Kickstarter project

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Seems someone thinks Pebble is a good idea, they've just stumped up $15M to help out.


--- Quote from: GeoffS on May 19, 2013, 03:34:44 pm ---Seems someone thinks Pebble is a good idea, they've just stumped up $15M to help out.

--- End quote ---

VC is NEVER "helping out". They show up to swoop >80% of future profit. This seems strange in case of Pebble because those guys already
-have product
-have money
-have customers
-were able to secure manufacturing without VC
There is nothing apart from additional quick cash that VC can offer them.

In they wrote why they needed the VC money: They were hiring people. I still wonder why they need the money, because production costs can't be high and I guess they made already millions of dollars profit. In this article there is another good news for developers: finally they enhanced the SDK, so that you can write your own apps on iPhone and Android and communicate with your own apps on the watch via Bluetooth.


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