I'm sorry I don't know how to market effectively (otherwise I'd be rich), but what you've posted here (and particularly the latest stuff) is good. You just don't want to wear people out prematurely.
Personally, Kickstarter works for me when I stumble across a project. Perhaps a post here sends me off to there, or there is a mention somewhere on the web and I am intrigued. At that point I want to know what it is, what I get, and (this is really important) how much it will cost me. I will either buy it there and then or forget about it completely.
I believe you have a period when the project is live and people can place orders. That's the time to push it in the various ways (posting somewhere like this, 'influencers', etc). I think many of your sales will be opportunistic, so give people the opportunity to actually place an order. You'll even have people that order in a fit of interest and then have second thoughts but can't be bothered to retract the order - admittedly, not many but you've lost those by pushing too soon, I think.