Electronics > DIPtrace

Auto-rename the DipTrace gerber files for JLCPCB

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--- Quote from: iurius on May 23, 2021, 06:15:40 pm ---Not this time, unfortunately. I tried couple days ago as described in the video. It did upload the zip file, but the previews were blank.

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Which preview was that? On this page? https://cart.jlcpcb.com/quote

i've never had to rename the gerbers.
i just give them with the proper extensions, and you don't need a script to do that: in the export window press the "files" button in the top right corner


--- Quote from: JPortici on May 24, 2021, 10:57:31 am ---i've never had to rename the gerbers.
i just give them with the proper extensions, and you don't need a script to do that: in the export window press the "files" button in the top right corner

(Attachment Link)

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MarkF also suggested this, however this only works if you stick to one PCB manufacturer.
When you have 2 or more manufacturers it makes sense to have several modified scripts. In this scenario it would be a pain to modify the file names in DipTrace whenever you change the destination.


--- Quote from: exe on May 23, 2021, 11:14:34 pm ---
--- Quote from: iurius on May 23, 2021, 06:15:40 pm ---Not this time, unfortunately. I tried couple days ago as described in the video. It did upload the zip file, but the previews were blank.

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Which preview was that? On this page? https://cart.jlcpcb.com/quote

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I've attached an image
If exporting the gerbers without renaming, the previews of the board are blank


--- Quote from: iurius on May 24, 2021, 09:24:00 pm ---If exporting the gerbers without renaming, the previews of the board are blank

--- End quote ---

This part worked for me just fine. Without renaming, do you have long filenames or filenames with spaces?


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