Electronics > DIPtrace

Auto-rename the DipTrace gerber files for JLCPCB

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Here is version 2 of the script (attached).

What's different:
1. The "installation" script copies the 7z files to its folder on C:
2. The main script is being kept separately, ready to be copied to the folder containing the gerbers. The script only refers C:\7-Zip_Extra folder when packing to zip
3. The whole action happens inside the gerbers folder (create new folders, zipping, etc) - meaning inside the folder where the script was copied (so called local folder)
Please read the short instructions and then follow the script step-by-step.

P.S. Thanks Silver Solder for suggestions!

Hi all!

Most of people here probably know that in order to upload the gerber files from DipTrace to JLCPCB, these have to be renamed properly.
Since I had a few times the "pleasant" opportunity to do this job, I've decided to automate this process.

Here I present you (attached) the batch script for Windows that will rename the files and will zip them ready for uploading.

 *                                                                              *
 *      A small CMD script to convert                             *
 *       DipTrace gerber files names                               *
 *          to JLCPCB name format                                  *
 *                                                                              *
 *                     by                                                     *
 *                   iurius                                                   *
 *            iuries(at)gmail.com                                      *
 *                                                                              *
 *                                                                              *
 *             This software uses:                                     *
 *  7-Zip Extra: standalone console version                   *
 *           https://www.7-zip.org/                                  *
 *                                                                              *
 *      A big Thank You to Igor Pavlov!                           *
 *                                                                              *
 *                                                                              *

Extract all files to the directory containing the DipTrace-exported gerber files.

List of files:

Read Me.txt  -  this file
DipTrace to JLCPCB.bat  -  the batch script that renames the gerber files
7za.dll,  7za.exe,  7zxa.dll   -  these are the files borrowed from Igor Pavlov to pack the gerbers to zip.
Thanks a lot!
I have marked the 7z files as HIDDEN, don't forget to check the box in explorer to see hidden files.

You may distribute the script freely!

Please don't hesitate to comment if I did something stupid. :-//
Give me a thumbs up THANK YOU if you like it!    ;)

Great idea!

Defaulting to drive D: may not work for everybody, but this batch file is a great starting point no matter what.

I would not mark the zip executables as hidden...  that can only lead to fear, uncertainty, and doubt!

How do you handle a single layer board - does JLCPCB not support that?


--- Quote from: SilverSolder on May 22, 2021, 06:04:55 pm ---Great idea!

Defaulting to drive D: may not work for everybody, but this batch file is a great starting point no matter what.

--- End quote ---

Well, I guess I could set it to C:  ?  What do you say?

--- Quote from: SilverSolder on May 22, 2021, 06:04:55 pm ---
I would not mark the zip executables as hidden...  that can only lead to fear, uncertainty, and doubt!

--- End quote ---

The reason I marked the 7z files as hidden was to get them out of the view, but to still have them in the folder.
I guess I'll move them to a separate folder and call them from the script.

--- Quote from: SilverSolder on May 22, 2021, 06:04:55 pm ---
How do you handle a single layer board - does JLCPCB not support that?

--- End quote ---

In DipTrace there is an option to set one of 2 layers as non-signal

Hi! The new version is available in the main post

You do know that you can change the filenames and
select which files are zipped up from within Diptrace.

Make the changes once and forget.

Open Diptrace PCB program then go to  File >> Export >> Gerber >> Files button.

All gerbers exported after that will have your new naming scheme (even new PCBs).


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