Electronics > DIPtrace

DipTrace 5.0 Beta


"Plugins, PCB Calculator, Planar Inductors, Digital SPICE Simulator, Via Stitching, Via Shielding, Export to PDF, Updating PCB from Netlist, etc..."  are waiting for you in DipTrace 5.0 Beta.
All features overview is here:
DipTrace 5.0 Beta is ready for testing! Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Download it now: https://diptrace.com/download/download-diptrace/

Are you a member of the Diptrace development team?
And, can we ask you questions?


--- Quote from: MarkF on April 24, 2024, 02:54:42 pm ---Are you a member of the Diptrace development team?
And, can we ask you questions?

--- End quote ---

Yes, I am part of the DipTrace team. You can ask me or use the technical support and the official forum.

It's good to have someone from the team on the forum.

I do have a minor bug in version
In the 3D view, the zoom value is not always correct.
If you zoom in and then 'Reset View', the zoom is not reset to 100%.
Also when you zoom in, exit the 3D view and reopen the 3D view, the zoom is not reset.


--- Quote from: MarkF on April 25, 2024, 12:09:35 pm ---It's good to have someone from the team on the forum.

I do have a minor bug in version
In the 3D view, the zoom value is not always correct.
If you zoom in and then 'Reset View', the zoom is not reset to 100%.
Also when you zoom in, exit the 3D view and reopen the 3D view, the zoom is not reset.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the report. The first part of the problem is fixed for version 5.0 beta. The second part isn't fixed. I have added it to our bug tracker.


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