Electronics > DIPtrace

How to create a pattern for a component after import into pcb layouter?



I want to create a custom pattern for a component from my schematic. However, after importing the schematic into the pcb layouter it just warns me that there is a missing pattern and it just strips that component and all its connections altogether.

How can I design custom patterns in the pcb layout software for such a component? I cannot even see this component in the design manager anymore.




--- Quote from: thilo on August 09, 2011, 08:49:52 pm ---How can I design custom patterns in the pcb layout software for such a component? I cannot even see this component in the design manager anymore.

--- End quote ---

You will have to attach a pattern to your custom component, go to help on Diptrace and open Diptrace Tutorial.

You will have to read section 3.1 on how to make a pattern and then section 3.2 has info on attaching pattern to your component.



thanks for your reply. I know how to create and attach a pattern to a component. But in this case it is a special case, thus I deleted the attached pattern from the component in my schematic and assumed that I can build one in the pcb layouter for it (I've read something on Google where somebody claimed he just designs patterns on the fly for missing parts). But yeah you're right, I can just create a custom pattern library as part of this project instead of storing it in my general pattern library.



You could creat a user library and a user pattern where you can put all of your components and patterns you need with time(that is what i have done) Creating a part or a pattern is very simple, it is a walk in the park compared to eagle. if you want i can help you with that.


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