Electronics > DIPtrace

How to export eagle lib to Diptrace

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I put some pictures up to show how to convert the eagle library's in to diptrace library's. There is still one catch. You will get only one file, a .eli file. A normal DipTrace library has 2 files, a .eli and a .lib file. The eli contains the schematic and the lib the pattern of the part. If there are custom parts you will have to export the pattern from the eli file, save it in an lib file and reattach the modified pattern to the part.

I did exactly the same without success. It may be a problem under GNU/Linux. I will try to find a Win box (or setup a VM) and try it again.


What is your eagle exact version? Mine is 5.91.1. I would recommend you try this in a vm-machine. Share a folder with virtualbox and there you can put the converted lib.

Did you manage to export more lib's?

I was away for some days. I was planing to setup a virtual machine tomorrow.



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