Electronics > DIPtrace

Importing new 3d Models

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Hi guys,
I just found an interesting tutorial on youtube...

It basically shows how you can find components on http://3dcontentcentral.com (requires registration, buts its from the makers of Solidworks so a "reputable" resource), download the STL and use Wings3D to convert to VRML for diptrace.  The whole process took me about a minute and with some scaling/rotation in diptrace works quite well!

All this 3d is still useless if you can not export it to a cad file. It is a nice feature to show your design, but the real win will be a export to stl ad use it in a cad software.

Well its not perfect but the video below (from the same youtube user) is a start.  Of course if you were really worried about clearances/fit etc you could just extrude your pads to the height of the components and it would be perfect if not exactly pretty.  Come to think of it I'll probably do this for my next design so the the display is in the middle of the front panel this time :D


--- Quote from: shebu18 on February 10, 2012, 12:29:17 pm ---All this 3d is still useless if you can not export it to a cad file. It is a nice feature to show your design, but the real win will be a export to stl ad use it in a cad software.

--- End quote ---

Solidworks is bi-directional in VRML(*.wrl) and STL(*.stl) so I can model in solidworks and export in .wrl for Diptrace

I know, i've done it to some parts. it mill be interesting when we can export from DipTrace. it should pbe implemented in the next release.


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