Electronics > DIPtrace


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Hy everybody, what parts d you miss in Diptrace? Would it be a good idea to make a EEVblog-library for diptrace. You can make a part and add it to it or by asking.
There will be 2 files. The .lib and .eli files for the library and a list of existing parts in it.

i like this idea, but i hope this is not going "take only" thread, lets give and take. let me first, and see how this goes... see attached libraries for pic mcu 16f690, 10f200, some soic op-amp and its compatible pad. i currently need for some analog like pc817 opto, 13007 power transistor etc, no time to build yet.  i hope someone can share.

I hope the parts are good.

I changed the name of the library to "EEVBlog library", i hope it is ok for you. All the patterns that are used are in the "eli" file and the parts from the two librarys are in the "lib" file.

diptrace says incorrect version. i'm using beta. you? hex edit showing its my library? nevermind, i'm ok.

I think it's better to agree on a standard naming convention. It would be better if you guys follow the manufacturer's convention to indicate the packages in the component editor as a start. For example, ATMEGA328P-AU is a TQFP32 variant of ATMEGA328P and ATMEGA328P-PU is a DIP28 variant. Once the library grows, it will be cumbersome to streamline.

Glad that Diptrace is growing. :)


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