I'm just trying to do my first schematic with diptrace. I can't find a ground symbol, is this some sort of joke? Locating parts is also "interesting". Is it just me or is this software that amateurish. The tutorial is written in poor English, my guess is Chinese.
Just a crumble from a new user.
The library system does need a complete rethinking, the current one is - to put it politely - suboptimal. That footprints are associated with components is both good and bad, more good though. I, and i suspect most of DT users have assembled my own libraries of most used components and footprints. I at least am very particular to the kinds of symbols i want to use ( all logic in IEC only - no shovelheads for me thanks, etc ). So you can have those but then also the schematic only symbols where you decide the footprint later. That way you can have your cake and eat it too.
Overall organization of the components is almost a joke however and definitley the bit where DT shines the least. What i would like to see is a proper database with proper metadata for the components. That would enable parametric searches and then you could actually find something.
Another gripe is that there is no practical way to select footprint classes/categories based on the specific need of the board under work. When things are easy i prefer loose land patterns with extra area and when things are tight you need smaller ones. Also different land sizes for multilayer TH components vs. single layer ones. No easy way to select for those.
BTW not Chinese, try Russian. But i for one consider it more important than nationality, that the DT team actually interacts with the user base and implement the features we need. If only they would soon see the light regarding the libraries...