Hey Bearman,
I am handicapped, I doing this on a Mac so I'm on a learning curve, I've never had a Mac before, they suck bigtime!! (I'll learn though :-))
I miss a lot cause the right click don't work on a Mac in the Wine environment, I just worked out what Harnon was describing using the grid, works a treat. So I have had my calipers out just like you. I would say I am at a similar stage in the learning circle. I have a few designs that will shortly go to mass production.
What I would like is better library management where I could pre pick all the components for my design and put them into a "project library" for the design. This flipping between libraries sucks. The way Diptrace did the Mac software was to bundle it up in something called Wine which is emulating a windows environment so I have all manner of problems figuring out the folder structure and when I make my own libraries they are hard navigate to.
I will probably take it to the Windows PC in my workshop and start again.
Steve W