Electronics > DIPtrace

Random rant about DipTrace

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--- Quote from: poorchava on August 13, 2012, 08:56:59 am ---Turns out that when you subscribe to email newsletter you have to confirm it by clicking on a link that comes in an email. I didn't read up that part and my mailbox has filtered out that confirmation email as spam. LOL

--- End quote ---
I actually went and checked- I did that once in January and got a confirmation form them. Still got no news when they posted beta!

I get irritated by the fact that in the beta they disabled the net hidding for the cooper pour net. It is much harder to work now. I hope they bring the  final version quickly to the market, or they could make a patch for the beta. Once saved in beta i can not open it in the last official version....:'(

Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

Found another lacking feature: if multiple symbols in component library share the same footprint ('pattern'), it would be nice to be able to update them all at once.

Case study:
when designing a component library I tend to have separate symbols for every resistor/capacitor/inductor value. This is because BOMs are easier to manage when shoping for a project. I've been doing that ever since I began with pcb design. After first revision of pcb I?ve decided, that I?d like to add some stuff. At first I've used low density footprints but decided to go for medium density which doesn't make it any harder to solder by hand while allowing easier placement. I've changed footprints for smd caps, resistors and inductors, went to component library editor, and I'm looking for 'update all from libraries' option. There isn't one (and diptrace forums seem to confirm that). Now i have to edit like 90 symbols by hand. DAMN....


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