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When I first arrived in Germany I kept on seeing small black rectangles on the tops of door frames marked 20*C+M+B+nn where nn was a small number. The first person I asked about this told me that it was to do with chimney inspections and, until a few weeks ago, I accepted this and just got on with life.
Then my neighbor put up one of these rectangles with 20*C+M+B+18 on it, and he doesn't have a chimney, so I started digging. Here's the story.......
Once a year the local Roman Catholic priest goes down to the local Staples and buys up their supply of white chalk, the sort that you write on blackboards with. He then blesses this chalk and it becomes 'holy chalk'. Each member of his congregation then take home a piece of this chalk and write above their door 20*C+M+B+nn where nn is the year, the phrase means 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat' or 'Christ Bless This House'. All present in the house are then 'protected' for the next year.
I prefer a good insurance policy and a cat with an attitude.
I went to the grocery store the other day, and I noticed a stack of 2L bottle of Coca Cola that registered as odd. The caps were yellow. Whatever. I wasn't buying Coke, so I kept walking.
Later, I incidentally learned the yellow caps are for the kosher Coke.
K+M+B in CZ/SK.
Pretty reliable sign of that the people in that house aren't the smartest.
--- Quote from: German_EE on March 09, 2018, 03:39:55 pm ---so I started digging. Here's the story.......
Once a year the local Roman Catholic priest goes down to the local Staples and buys up their supply of white chalk, the sort that you write on blackboards with. He then blesses this chalk and it becomes 'holy chalk'. Each member of his congregation then take home a piece of this chalk and write above their door 20*C+M+B+nn where nn is the year, the phrase means 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat' or 'Christ Bless This House'. All present in the house are then 'protected' for the next year.
--- End quote ---
interesting.... from my digging...
Christ originally or still literally means or came from the word Christos or Messiah in ancient language. it means prophet aka the chosen one. from time to time since the beginning, the chosen one was descended to convey among others, one very important message (the key). there were many of them (Christos) spread across time. when time goes, these messages got lost quickly because of the nature of human and nature surrounded them, human cannot withstand the same stagnant thing or idea over and over again, so they invented, they evolved they commercialized they put many colors and fashion etc they put logic or unlogic where they see fit they gained influence/respect/power from this thinking. until the original messages no more. that's why there will (was) be new "the chosen one" emerged to get back the original messages into picture again, when the new Christos comes, the "evolution" since the earlier Christos cannot withstand this "correctional emergence". a lot of industries/ideas/influences/religious institution will be lost or had to be closed down to embrace the new correction (original messages), not to mention the resistance due to belief from childhood father and grandfarther's teaching. hence there will be resistance (hard resistances) from many sectors, and they did it cleverly so its not so obvious to mass population who mostly have just a tiny bit of senses and rational reasoning ability (well they think they can reason very well all right, most people think they are clever than the others, but not through hardwork but just out loud from the button hole), believing easily based on hearing these influential figures/parties/organizations/writings (paid)... businessmen, commercial, ruling power, thinkers etc.
this had happened to the earlier Christos' followers. Adam's, Noah's, Jonah's, Abraham's, Moses', Jesus etc. how they put the resistance there are many ways, among others they try to correlates magical power or superiorities to their prophet hood. the word "Christ" was taken specifically for the Jesus' attributes, it correlates to some sort of holy or Godly spirit and anybody who wrote the name on their forehead with that + symbol on the chest will be protected from some delusive elements. anything they will do to show how superior hence how true this religion is, they made it up when the original content or Christos never made such claim, not anything in any ancient scriptures, they translated the scriptures so its like claiming such magical items. well the problem with mortal is that they are lazy to search for this original scriptures, just follow that man or this man or that translation, where in reality these men gained profits in behind be it in the form of material or spiritual (trust). the fact is "Christ" is nothing special its just the attributes for every single man who was chosen, and they themselves are not so important compared to the original messages that's is tried to be conveyed to mass population. Jesus is gone, so do the magical attributes related/privileged to him (meant as an aid for his job for him and only him). any today's' religions that claimed magical items or protection from devils just by writing some shorthand on something are doomed to fail and proven to be false/lie. well its not the religion who is false, its the evolution made up by human. any rubbish you hear today correlated to Jesus, is not actually from Jesus, but Jesus got the blame since some idiots liked to relate rubbish to him. the key is lost (somewhere) in the desert of storm (man made noises) if you think its worthy then its your fate anyway, but the task is not easy not as easy as conversing in virtual reality like this. as you guess if you have even a slight tiny bits of utilized neurons, 99.99% of the task will be to filter out those man made noises, you must have a very very good band pass filter for this one and tuned to the right frequency, sort of like seti's work. ymmv.
"Star Singers", it's popular among several countries in Europe. They collect money for charity and bless your house (if you believe in such things).
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